life of an artist Francesca Sciandra life of an artist Francesca Sciandra

Drawing the Flower

One of my mentors once shared a way of looking at how we grow and move through life. She suggested I imagine the process of drawing a flower — like a daisy or a wildflower with a circle at the centre and petals looping around.

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Francesca Sciandra Francesca Sciandra

The Artist’s Way Creative Circle is Open

When I picked up The Artist’s Way in 2018, I didn't realise how it would impact my life. I had known about the book since around the time it was published. Over the years, I would see well-loved copies lying around friends’ houses and art studios.

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life of an artist Francesca Sciandra life of an artist Francesca Sciandra

The Kind of Person I Want to Be

When I moved to London over eight years ago, I underestimated the change I’d experience in this city. Letting go of ideas of girlhood to become a woman, facing some of my greatest personal challenges, and allowing myself to reconnect with parts of myself I had abandoned.

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The Artist’s Way Francesca Sciandra The Artist’s Way Francesca Sciandra

Reflections on The Artist’s Way, Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection

This is the seventh post in a series on The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, a book and a self-study program developed by Julia Cameron in the 1990s. I’m looking back on Week 7: Recovering a Sense of Connection. It’s been two years since I first completed The Artist’s Way and it’s taken me as long to look back and reflect. I make plans, then life has its own plan.

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The Artist’s Way Francesca Sciandra The Artist’s Way Francesca Sciandra

London Lockdown — Enjoying the Ordinary

I moved my art studio home a few months ago before the lockdown began. I set up my desk to catch the light from the sliding glass doors running the length of my living room. Working from home, I go deep into my solitude each day. I paint, write, and thinking about what’s possible for the next few months.

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