Drawing the Flower


One of my mentors once shared a way of looking at how we grow and move through life.

She suggested I imagine the process of drawing a flower — like a daisy or a wildflower with a circle at the centre and petals looping around.

We begin life with our essential selves. This is represented by the centre of the flower.

As we move through life, our experiences shape us and we shape our experiences. Occasionally, we add a petal to the flower. We start at the centre and move outward. Some petals are big and gorgeous, others might be small with ragged edges.

Our life experiences help us develop and grow. We may question who we are and face challenges. Our path and our challenges shape us. Each petal may have a unique and special texture and contour.

When we close the loop of each petal, we return to our essence. We draw and define a form that always connects back to the centre.

Time passes and we become greater versions of ourselves. In time, some petals will fall away and others will remain to create the overall shape of our lives.

As I move through life, when I feel far away from the woman I thought I was, I hold on. I remind myself that I'm looping around.

I’ll return to my centre when I'm ready, when the experience has given me what I need, when the petal has been drawn. I let myself expand, drawing my life the way it wants to be drawn.

When I return back to my essence, I hear the little voice in my head telling me I'm closing a loop, adding another petal, creating the shape of my life.

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