Update from the Edge
I’m sitting outside a cafe in Tarifa, Spain, sipping a tiny coffee, reflecting on the twists and turns of my life. I want to be in motion, so I finish my journal entry and go for a walk along the cobblestone streets of the old town, protected from the wind by the closeness of the whitewashed buildings.
Creative Affirmations and The Artist’s Way
As a facilitator for Julia Cameron’s renowned book The Artist's Way, one of the most powerful tools I share with participants is the Creative Affirmations. These positive statements aim to counteract the negative self-talk and doubts that can hold back artists and creatives.
Basic Principles of The Artist’s Way
The Basic Principles of Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way provide a philosophical foundation for awakening one’s creative potential and nurturing one’s inner artist.
Love Without Limits: Marguerite Porète’s Mystic Writing
What is divine love? What is true love? We can look to the writing of Marguerite Porète, a French Beguine and mystic born in the 13th century to discover a unique perspective.
42 Famous Quotes About Creativity
Famous quotes about creativity. Read what artists, writers, scientists, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and psychologists have said about the challenges and rewards of creativity.
Finding the Courage to Discover Our Creativity
How many times have we hidden our inner dreams? Hidden them from others out of fear we'd be judged or discouraged, or be flatly dismissed with the words ‘you can’t just do what you want’.
Reflections on The Artist’s Way, Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith
This is the twelfth post in a series on The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, a book and a self-study program by writer Julia Cameron. I’m looking back on Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith.
We ask, ‘what’s next?’
‘If you don't risk anything, you risk even more.’ — Erica Jong
It's those in-between days of late winter. Sunshine teases and the air is soft. I meet with friends for dinner on a Friday night.
Artist Date Ideas to Do at Home
During lockdown or when we want to stay in, artist dates can seem challenging. Here are over twenty ideas for artists dates that can be done at home.
How to Do Morning Pages with Ease
In the Basic Tools, Cameron describes morning pages — ‘three pages of longhand writing, strictly stream-of-consciousness.’ She clarifies, ‘There is no wrong way to do the morning pages.’
The Messy Beauty of Creativity
Have you ever stopped yourself short from fully throwing yourself into making something, worried it will get messy Maybe you keep thinking about the thing you want to make, or say, or do, but you never get started.
Facing the Fear of Being Misunderstood
When we receive a creative impulse, it can come through quickly. When it arrives, it doesn’t always make sense in that neat kind of way. And when we spend time with our ideas, developing them through the creative process, meaning can be fluid. We’ll start one place and end up someplace radically different.
Helping Creatives Heal and Find Calm
Some of you may know that I became a hypnotherapist and coach alongside my practice as an artist. Some people ask me if I am an art therapist. It would be more accurate to say that I am often a therapist for artists.
Feeling Free to Express Yourself
Have you ever felt it was challenging to feel truly free to create and express yourself? Maybe you hesitate to spend time doing the things that you enjoy — painting, singing, drawing, writing, playing the guitar, taking photos — worried that you should be doing something more practical, concerned what you make won't be good enough?