life of an artist Francesca Sciandra life of an artist Francesca Sciandra

Feeling Free to Express Yourself

Have you ever felt it was challenging to feel truly free to create and express yourself? Maybe you hesitate to spend time doing the things that you enjoy — painting, singing, drawing, writing, playing the guitar, taking photos — worried that you should be doing something more practical, concerned what you make won't be good enough?

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life of an artist Francesca Sciandra life of an artist Francesca Sciandra

Drawing the Flower

One of my mentors once shared a way of looking at how we grow and move through life. She suggested I imagine the process of drawing a flower — like a daisy or a wildflower with a circle at the centre and petals looping around.

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behaviour, creativity Francesca Sciandra behaviour, creativity Francesca Sciandra

Finding Authenticity in My Daily Routine

I recently wrote about how I'm inspired by the calm energy of kaizen, an approach that requires making small, continuous changes over time. I’m playing with methods to develop habits and behaviours to create change in my life. For a few weeks, I experimented by trying out different habits to support my creative exploration, purpose, and well-being.

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behaviour Francesca Sciandra behaviour Francesca Sciandra

How I Got Unstuck

The past eight months have been an exhilarating time for me, and I feel more connected than ever to my life’s dual purpose of sharing my creativity and helping others to tap into their own potential.

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