Update from the Edge
I’m sitting outside a cafe in Tarifa, Spain, sipping a tiny coffee, reflecting on the twists and turns of my life. I want to be in motion, so I finish my journal entry and go for a walk along the cobblestone streets of the old town, protected from the wind by the closeness of the whitewashed buildings.
Finding the Courage to Discover Our Creativity
How many times have we hidden our inner dreams? Hidden them from others out of fear we'd be judged or discouraged, or be flatly dismissed with the words ‘you can’t just do what you want’.
Reflections on The Artist’s Way, Week 8: Recovering a Sense of Strength
This is the eighth post in a series on The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, a book and a self-study program developed by Julia Cameron in the 1990s. I’m looking back on Week 8: Recovering a Sense of Strength.