Creative Alchemy is Here

artist's studio with a white plastic cup

Image by laura adai

Another month has flown by in a whirlwind of inspiration, lively coastal towns, and cherished moments of creative expression.

As I've been travelling around Spain, I’ve been thinking of Picasso’s Guernica and how the powerful anti-war painting stemmed from an act of horrific violence — the bombing of the village of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.

The work of Picasso, Goya, Kanso and other anti-war artists demonstrates how creativity can be an act of resilience and defiance against the cruelties humans inflict upon one another. When unspeakable violence shatters the world around us, creativity offers a path to grieving, processing, raising awareness, and ultimately, working towards healing and positive change.

Creativity is the alchemy that transmutes suffering into expression, fear into inspiration, and loss into legacy. It enables us to tenderly hold life’s contradictions — the beauty amidst the destruction, the joy coexisting with the despair.

As artists, as alchemists of the spirit, we have the power to transmute personal and collective pain into something greater by summoning the creative forces that reside within each of us. By engaging our imaginative spirit, we persevere.

If the path seems dark (or invisible), I invite you to seek out your creative spark and nurture it with curiosity, self-compassion, and an open heart. Engage your sacred inner fire by picking up a paintbrush, strumming an instrument, or noticing the poetry in your daily life.

Mandala drawing by C. G. Jung

Creative Alchemy — Your life is your greatest work of art

In the coming weeks, I’ll facilitate a new journey — a six-week creative exploration called Creative Alchemy. It’s an invitation to delve into the profound intersection of creativity and personal growth, drawing inspiration from Jungian and Humanistic philosophies and practices for engaging our creative imagination.

If you’d like to learn more and join me on this adventure, you can find all the details here: Creative Alchemy — Your life is your greatest work of art.

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