behaviour Francesca Sciandra behaviour Francesca Sciandra

How I Got Unstuck

The past eight months have been an exhilarating time for me, and I feel more connected than ever to my life’s dual purpose of sharing my creativity and helping others to tap into their own potential.

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travel Francesca Sciandra travel Francesca Sciandra

Japan Travel Tips

Japan lives up to its hype and is well worth a long visit. I travelled solo for 24 days in October and November 2017, and I enjoyed every moment.

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creativity, behaviour Francesca Sciandra creativity, behaviour Francesca Sciandra

28 Ways to Get Inspired

After spending my life surrounded by highly creative people, I’ve realised creativity is a mindset, not just a process of exploring and making. Could it be possible that creative people’s brains really do work differently?

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travel Francesca Sciandra travel Francesca Sciandra

Florence, South of the River

When I lived in Florence, my apartment was in the Oltrarno neighbourhood, south of the Arno River. Although a day trip to Florence can easily keep you in the city’s busy tourist centre in the north, it’s worth the walk across one of the cities historic bridges. I’d recommend at least a half-day to explore the area, although you could easily fill a day at a relaxed pace.

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