Reflections on The Artist’s Way, Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith
This is the twelfth post in a series on The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, a book and a self-study program by writer Julia Cameron. I’m looking back on Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith.
Artist Date Ideas to Do at Home
During lockdown or when we want to stay in, artist dates can seem challenging. Here are over twenty ideas for artists dates that can be done at home.
London Lockdown — Enjoying the Ordinary
I moved my art studio home a few months ago before the lockdown began. I set up my desk to catch the light from the sliding glass doors running the length of my living room. Working from home, I go deep into my solitude each day. I paint, write, and thinking about what’s possible for the next few months.
London Lockdown — Afternoon Walk & Artist Date
I usually do my weekly artist date on Friday afternoon. The artist date is a practice from The Artist’s Way. It’s a dedicated time each week to nurture your inner artist. This time I decided to take my camera out and go for a long walk around my neighbourhood. The streets were quiet. The sun was bright.